Sunday, August 5, 2007

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

I've been listing on ebay like a maniac.

Well I've been a negligent blogger because I've been doing my kids yearly clothing recycle on ebay. I sell all of there stuff from the previous year and then buy new stuff for the current year. It works fabulous and every year I make about 600.00 -1000.00 US dollars and then spend it right back on school clothing and shoes for all 3 of them. My husband LOVES it. LOL I've only just started though and I need to list about 10 -20 auctions a day to get it all done. It's sooooo overwhelming because it seems that I just keep buying more and MORE every year. LOL. I think my girls each have 20 pairs of shoes. OH. MY. GOSH. I'm hurtin for certain. I'll have to post a picture of the chain and combo lock that Dean put on the girls closet so Reagan doesn't play dress up in her closet every day until every hanger is bare. It looks rather barbaric to me. I'm going to cover it in pink and sage ribbon and bows. Watch though Reagan will rip them off. I hope not. LOL I'm still in shock that my baby girl is growing out of her size 5 clothing and is going to be in size 6 and a size 11 shoe this fall. It makes my heart hurt a little. I'm glad she's healthy and growing though.
Anyone know how to get paint out of clothing? I could cry for the gymboree clothes that reagan got paint on when we were painting our house interior. UGH!

This was on Friday we promised to take her to the waterpark but instead we stayed home and played in the grotto.*** We've had quite a few days of cold and rain now.
Daddy is taking the girls up to the top of the big hill out back to hit some balls so he can warm up for his big work golf tournament the next day. Gracie cannot figure out for the life of her why the balls aren't for her. LOL Courtney wouldn't carry the kids golf bag up the hill but Reagan would. Go figure.
Back to my ebaying.
Oh if you ever want to look up my ebay auctions Reagans Ragz click the link. Not for sales but just because I think they're neat. I designed them all around the kids pictures and it was a ton of work but fun. I've set up many of my friends doing ebay the same way. I am soooooo not a sales person so ebay works great for me. One of these days I will put some of my bows with my auctions. I think my house is exploding with bows. LOL I just don't ever know how much to charge. I hate that part.
***Grotto is next door in Uncle Murray and Aunty Donna's backyard. Not mine. I wish. LOL Same property but outside their kitchen doors.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Well that was painful.

I *think* I had a gall bladder attack. That is really painful. Constant aching in the upper right quadrant under my ribcage shooting up to my shoulder blade. 6HOURS this went on for and I cried out loud sobbing while my husband begged me to go to the hospital. I am so good at having the instinct to know when my children need to go in to be assessed at the hospital but for myself I am not so great. I stayed home and found our local medical handbook that they send out that tells you what's what and when to go to the hospital guide and it said the pain was in the area of infamation of the liver (common for me with lupus issues?) or gall bladder attack. I was so happy that I had a doctors appointment the next morning at 9:40 so I waited. He said the same thing as the book did and sent me for blood work to make sure my liver function is ok. I know it's not the greatest but I hope it's not worse. I don't even understand it. It comes back weird because of something to do with pain/inflamation in my body. Like the fact that my arms are burning right now just from typing this much. I just know that by mistake I went for the liver function blood testing before my lung CAT scan a few months ago and it wasn't even nessesary that I go because it's for people that are over 60 and under 20 that they check your liver before you have the contrast dye at the CAT scan. I was told to go by mistake and I went but it was lucky I did because they were just about to insert the IV for the contrast dye and someone yelled NOOOO. I need to have meds to protect my liver before the test is done. When I was getting changed the technicians were looking at my results and saying "poor poor girl, she is soooo young for this" I bawled uncrontollabley all the way home. Gall bladder issues do make so much sense though and maybe that will be enough for me to cut an amount of fat out of my diet that will show weight loss. I would be so happy about that.

I had to laugh today because Jordan was trying to call his friend that lives one town away and it's just far enough that he has to dial 1 in front of the phone number to call long distance. So he calls and then comes running into my room. I can't remember Chris's phone number. I thought I did but a chinese person answered and I think I called China by accident. I played along and said gosh that could get expensive. So he says good thing I only talked for less than a minute and I said sorry. He's too funny.

We had a bbq with my husbands family last night and it was a ton of fun. Can't believe I didn't break out the camera but I didn't. Dean made some fabulous ribs on his man size bbq from fathers day. At least he could bbq all the ribs at once LOL. I just asked him how that was for him and he was giddy. ROFLMAO Oh yeah baby I could have done all 3 packs at once. He got his BBQ for fathers day. Lucky for me I let him go into the store and pick it out himself. He would have been VERY disappointed with my choice. I never would have gone so large. Oh well. Glad he's happy and looks forward to coming home to BBQ after a long day in the hot sun. He's a construction supervisor for the civil works so he never gets out of the sun in the summer time. Where he is there is just piles of dirt and pipe with no building to duck into the shade unless it's an outhouse. Ewww.

Courtney starts Twisters Gym Club day camp this week. Should be fun. Jordan we're still not too sure about what to do with. Reagan and Jordan will go to the water park tomorrow with my sister in law and I. They'll like that.

I'm starting us all on vitamin B1 this week as I've researched and talked our family dr and pharmacist about it. It's water soluble and not fat soluble so it's safe to give to Reagan. Once it is in your system for 2 weeks the mosquitoes leave you alone. Sounds great to me. Costco was sold out of B1 because I guess there's lots of people that take it for that purpose the pharmacist said. I really hope it works for us. Living in the bushes in the middle of town has it's draw back but only when it comes to mosquitoes and blackberry bushes. LOL We love every single other part of it. OK the racoons that got aunty Donna's cat are not cool either. Dean came into the house the other morning to inform me that he was stealthily following a couple of Deer around the property taking pictures. At one point they were right up at the house. They are so funny. I wonder what they think of us. I'll have to track down Dean's camera and check out his pictures.

Well I better go find my little Reagan. She's been quiet for the last few minutes. Could be trouble. I hope not.


Tuesday, July 10, 2007

We made it!

HOME all in one piece. We just spent the last Friday, Saturday, and Sunday up at a place called Deka Lake Resort. While it was rugged and out in the woods it was right on the lake and the bathrooms were sooooo clean I was absolutely giddy with delight when I entered them. Sounds crazy I know but it's pretty relieving when your 3 year old can use the facilities on her own with her big brother or sister in tow. Something I just cannot do in say a shopping mall bathroom because god knows what you'll find in there. Ahhhh just don't touch ANYTHING!!! This was a complete relief.
There was also a really nice play structure from this decade that we could see from all areas of the resort. That was a total bonus. Oh and the lake is so full of huge fish the men were giddy with delight. LOL They even had a games cabin that they offered up for all of our kids to sleep in if they wanted. I actually never entered it but my kids said it was kinda dusty/dirty. They seem to detect dust so easily because they have asthma I think. I have no idea but I know my kids are kinda picky. We had two twelve yr olds, two 14 yr olds and two 8 yr olds and one 3 yr old so nope not going to happen. They all stayed in the appropriate tent/cabin because they needed to sleep not party all night long. LOL
The place was wonderful. Situated right on the water with canoes for the kids and proper life jackets that fit them. They had a blast. Needless to say Reagan didn't go out without daddy but the rest of them did. Fun was had by all.
Oh and the reason we were at this camp/resort place was for a friends wedding. They actually did the marriage part at city hall the day before so 07 07 07 I don't think is their actual aniversary but I told them they were on their own time this weekend and however they wanted to work it it would work. So at 07 07 07 and seven minutes after seven. Dam that's allot of sevens. They each did a speech to eachother and the group pledging their love to one and other. Of course I bawled. She thanked his son for being such a wonderful boy because she was there when he was born. Then after the current relationship failed 2 yrs later they got together.
She had nobody there to take pictures of anything and she even wore her wedding dress so I took 600 pictures. I am soooo not a proffessional and have no clue what I am doing. I would never volunteer my services as knowing what I am doing but she was just about in tears of happiness when she saw the pics on my camera so I think it's what she really wanted. Free too. She had also mentioned to me a day or two before we left that there wasn't really any flowers up there so when we got there I told her that I would decorate with wildflowers. My girls and I must have picked about 1000 daisies from the sides of the roads and then I had some of the teenagers put them into little bunches. Then I attached them all along this old fence and it looked just fabulous. Oh but my hands stunk like daisies and wild dasies smell like doo doo or maybe they all smell like that. Thankfully my little girls didn't figure that out until the end. It was all over for them after that. LOL
For her wedding present I'm going to do a large hardcover book for her from Costco with wedding and camp pics. Showing the fun had by all and a list of all the people who came to celebrate with them.
My kids were so well behaved that there was no whining and no melt downs the whole time. A bit too much sun for everyone though. We are all burnt. Jordan shiverred all the way home. I was so worried about him. He is totally fine now though and didn't seem to get a headache or throw up. Phew.
Masses of mosquitoes NOT SO FUN!!!
Here are some of my pics.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Every time I turn around

she's trashing something! What in the hell is a mother supposed to do? I think I need a leash for this preschooler. We were going to buy a pool for the yard this summer but have just decided that FORGETTIT. That could be the most hazzardous thing we ever did. We can't even keep control of our house how the hell could we keep control of our 3 year old from drowning in it. I could not live with myself if that happened so we'll wait a few more years. PHEW!

So last night or shall I start with yesterday she

gleeped the bottle of whipping cream from the fridge and sucked the entire thing back in her room

emptied her closet wearing EVERY outfit she could get her dirty mits on and got it dirty as well or threw it on the floor and the cat graciously pissed on it. Fucking cat. I forgot to mention that there ARE locks on the closet doors to prevent this sort of thing but said 3 yr old has taken to musical bar stools for reaching. UGH

pushed our chow out the window (it's a floor level opening window) into the flower box of pansies and then picked said pansies which just recently bloomed a burst of yellow bunches right ousided the bottom of the girls bedroom window. Grrrrrrrr

Took her afternoon snack of cherries up to the top bunk on her sisters bed and ate them up there spitting the cherry pits on pretty white and pink princess sheets.

Took bucket of chocolate icecream out of the fridge and straight to her room to eat with her hands. Head to toe chocolate in two minutes.

Cranberry juice spilled on the floor of her room. (no wonder my carpet shampooer is my best friend)

Not one piece of makeup that could ever enter this house will and can ever remain in my possession because my monster 3 year old is like hudini and takes it and hides it and uses it and it's hell.

I hate that people keep giving her these cutesy little bottles of nailpolish because she hides them in her pocket and puts them on in the van while I'm driving. My pooor poooooor poooor van. I HATE nailpolish. Reagan has ruined it for me. She has painted the bathroom downstairs with nailbpolish.

She scopes the house for body cream or hair conditioner and slathers it ALL OVER her body. I'm just waiting for the time that she gets into the self tanning cream. It's up high and in a cupboard but that don't mean anything.

She cut her hair when we were at my girlfriends house with the thinning shears and tells everyone that the fairy godmother did it.

I feel like puking now. I keep thinking I need to be more alert with her. I am seriously a stay at home mom who is with Reagan all the time. She sneaks off and when I think she is watching a show or playing while I do house cleaning she does these things. She is fast and sneaky. When people are over or whatching her they are astounded at what she's capable of doing and thinking of.

I am seriously going nuttttts!

I bet your 3 year old sounds like an angel now.


Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Lack of pull ups Not so Good!

Well we failed our attempt at pull up graduation. I woke up last night with a shirt soaked in pee. UGH!! Not so cool. Especially on my brand new mattress that does not have plastic. Of course Reagan does not even stirr when I change her and wipe her down. What is with that child? Back to the world of buying pullups and counting them to make sure I buy more so we don't run out. I think I'll wait till the peeing machine is dry every night and give her a reward for it. We'll see.
My sister took the girls to the vancouver game farm yesterday. They had a blast. Of course when they were trying to get my niece to take a nap in the stroller for a bit they asked Reagan to refrain from sharing the fact that there was an amazing play park there until after they ate their lunch. Of course Reagan marches straight over to Miss Madison (almost 2 yrs old) in the stroller and anounces with great emphasis that there is a HUGH PARK THERE. With swings and slides and climbing things and on and on. She is such a brat. Of course Maddy's nap and lunch went out the window and they went to the park. How's that for rewarding the brat. No wonder my kid is a menace. It works for her.
Then of course while they were there Reagan thought she would lick the garbage can oh and the table top of the picnic table. What the hell! Freakishly disgusting. Why oh why does Reagan do these things? Of course my sister just about died when all this went down and Reagan thought it was a hoot. What the heck is going to happen when this little monster goes to school. Will she do disgusting things to make people notice? We talk about germs and bugs and not touching things that could make you sick. Heck Courtney's a germ phob and Reagan's a germ addict. YUCK! I hope she grows out of it. She is not lacking in attention wherever she goes she get's it from all angles.
Oh and we were informed yesterday that Max and Ruby (the cartoon characters) are GRAMPIRES! Whatever that is but she seems to think it's some type of monster. LOL They are very very bad apparently.
That's my ramble for the morning. I'm sure it makes no sense.

Here are some pics my sister took of the kids. She had her flash on in the sun. Why I do not know but some of them look better in bw or sepia so I switched them. Cute still because they are all my loving cuties.

Miss Maddy Moo
Reagan the germ aholic

Courtney and the Donkey
My brother in law put them in a tree.
Maddy eating ice cream. She calls it peem peem.
The disgusted look.
Reagan the gooey girl.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Pictures I took outside in the rain the other day.

It was warm rain too so she had fun.