Friday, October 3, 2008

My daughter's not ready for kindergarten...

It has been a rough start. I seriously would like to just pull Reagan and home school her but I don't think that would be the right answer. She needs to get with the program (for lack of a better way of putting it) eventually. Reagan would see homeschooling as punishment at this point.

You see we all know that Reagan is a "spirited" little girl. Into everything, very busy all the time, feels that she is always the most important person in the room, and very demanding when she needs to let you know what she has to say.

I don't see these as poor qualities in a child. YES I am aware that she has her own ideas and doesn't always follow direction when told to but she also is not a robot child.

Reagan is very interested in rhyming, matching, colors, and what everything is and absorbs everything she has learned from the teacher to date.

SHE CANNOT WRITE HER NAME ON HER OWN!!!! The teacher is having a fit about this. All 22 of the children in the class began with sitting at the table tracing their name a few times and then they move on to centers (read playing with toys). Now she has taken the tracing away and having them just write their name all by themselves. Reagan is lost and the teacher thinks it's a huge deal that Reagan still needs to trace it. I don't thinks so because it will come at her own pace. We practice at home and she now is REALLY embarrassed about the whole thing. Yesterday I printed worksheets for her to trace and write it herself at the bottom and she is having a hard time but she does do it with prompting. She won't attempt writing it alone in the blank lines without prompting and me standing there coaching her. She is really nervous about how. She seems to get nervous and shut down.

This teacher has ALWAYS made me nervous. She is very blunt and intimidating. She is shutting down every time the teacher puts expectations on her that she can't quite do yet so she just sits there.

The teacher is getting frustrated with Reagan and she knows it. By the end of class Reagan is doing her own thing is what the teacher tells me. She is very curt when she tells me this like she is miserable about it. My sister was there when she said that to me and we were both kind of stunned. She says it and just walks away.

I don't know how to help Reagan. I want her to love school and this is not a great start. Almost every day she tells me she almost cried at school today.

The things she has done in Reagan fashion

She put a bead in her ear and yes the teacher freaked and scared the crap out of Reagan. I don't know why she would do such a thing. That's just Reagan.

Then on the playground Reagan threw rocks and got a time out. Yes I was horrified that she would throw rocks and I'm sure she need a time out!

Now the listening issue and keeping Reagan on task is becoming a major one for the teacher and I think Reagan is rebelling against the teacher.

I'm stuck. I talk and talk to her till I'm blue in the face but I refuse to punish her for learning and trying to figure out what this school thing is all about. We are only in the second month.

Yesterday was the worst day for her and she was made to feel badly. She was given a piece of paper like all the rest of the kids to write her name. Reagan sat there. The teacher first took this as misbehavior THEN finally brought Reagan a tracing sheet and did it with her making a big deal of it. THEN moving onto an art picture to which Reagan shut down and did not do. AT this point the teacher took Reagan to be defiant. I am sure Reagan was embarrassed that she missed playing in centers by this time and was sad and confused so therefor shut down and couldn't function the way the teacher wanted her to.

I don't know how to help Reagan love school. This teacher is not helping matters at all.



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