Thursday, November 13, 2008


1st infussion done. Called day 0 and then 2 weeks and 4 weeks and then every 8 weeks.

No side effects that I noticed. I was tired when I got home and went to bed for the night in the late afternoon noticing some waking with hot flushing feeling in my face. Other than that it was pain free and fine. I drove myself an hour and a half to the clinic where the infussion took place and then drove myself home.

I did notice that a week after the infussion my bowel movement was solid for the first time in years but there was a significant amount of blood still. I know that's probably way too much information for my mommy blog but the first thing I did was go to good old google for some info on response to treatment times and could find nothing. So if I help one poor scared person out there just starting remicade then well it's worth it.

Unfortunately my 9yo daughter Courtney woke up with a lovely vomit fest of the flu yesterday morning and I now have it. Not really cool when your immune system is trying to infuse with a new drug and you cannot even get said drug if you have the sniffles. Soooo needless to say I feel like crap warmed over and pray it's completely cleared up for my next infussion this coming Wednesday.

Oh and I've managed to cut my T3 usage in half since starting the remicade. That speaks volumes to me. I still feel kinda yucky but the degree of yuck is much less I guess. I used to go for the tylenol when my sides were burning so bad and my back could not stand another minute of pain and everything just hurt all over. I would be near tears and now it's just way easier to get through the day. The inflamation in my body must be decreasing. It has to be for the pain to be that much less.

I am very pleased and only one infussion in. Goooo REMICADE!!!!

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